there's smoke in my iris but i printed a sunny day on the insides of my eyelids... so i'm ready now...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

full of lols and gigs. check it out.. and then imagine parents texting these things haaa awesome.

i want to goooooo

My family went to Vail for Christmas this year, yes the year it dumped in Tahoe creating amazing conditions... Vail was awesome though, big beautiful and high class... after finding out about the snow ball I realized we went the wrong weekend... incredible snowboarding + great line up... *tear.. it looks so fun. maybe next year.. along with coachella, wobbleland, beyond wonderland, and the 23940192 other music festivals and concerts I always want to go to but never actually end up going...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

This just happened...

actually this happened a while ago.. a few weeks ago. i just didn't have this blog to post it in.  yee amuricaaaa!!!
... yes DiGiorno pizza and cookies.
Some call it a "Watershed Moment In American Obesity" but i think it's the ultimate college meal.. especially right before, or after a night out... especially if you're high.  I have yet to find it but someday I will eat this. haha mmmm I want westcoast now.. actually lets be real, this makes me want a pizookie.. yummmmyyyyy map questing nearest BJ's... damn it.

Friday, February 18, 2011


OKAY PEOPLE, we need to go here. we need to swing here! move over S.A.P.. this is my new hang out spot. moving to china or wherever the f this is and living here.  LEZZZ GOOOOO.



Reminiscence of Spiky Door adventures....

It all started with a picnic... 
And then it turned into an epic adventure of the greatest...

All this talk of graffiti has reminded me of the one and only, great, great spiky door adventure that me and friends had in SD not too long ago...
 Dani Drew and I disregarded the no trespassing signs and adventured into the scary caves of lake H's wall while David and Kevin held up the fort at the car. The caves, tagged with amazing graffiti and beautiful artworks, began with one small arched entry way, which led to another which led to another, and kept going back (3 or maybe more times) until we reached the cave- like arched walls of the damn. see the movie candyman and you will feel what I felt when I was walking through each entry way...

The walls were extremely colorful, marked up with artistic tags and drawings and all together super cool. 

And we got SO HIGH!!!!! 

(in the air.... )

top of ze worlddd
Climbing climbing climbing...
Awww fwends. 


Speaking of banksy....

his latest work: sunset boulevard billboard in LA... made yesterday? good work B.

banksy goes to hollywood

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


^^ lol ^^

Graffiti (street art) is a great thing. No i am not talking about the black scribbles you can barely make out to be letters that you see on the side of abandoned walls and random electrical boxes... I am talking about the graffiti that consists of colorful pictures and lettering to create human expression and art. From murals on scaling entire sides of walls to little drawings or words that evoke thought or humor, this stuff is great.

I recently stumbled upon a documentary on street art via netflix called "Exit through the Gift Shop" - (i don't feel like summarizing the movie so if you want a summary there's a sweet new website that will give you all the info you need in a jiffy: google. Anyways this documentary made me kind of obsessed with the street artist Banksy. His art is not only cool looking, it is clever, though- provoking, and fun. He has left messages around the world ranging from subversive to silly... An the art itself is not the only thing that is marvelous, but the location he puts it in ingenious.  Banksy is for sure my new favorite Street artist and I look forward to finding some of his stuff on the streets...

Some of Banksy's stuff:



Banksy beachboys

Bansky Rat


RT... Greg Wyshynski: "I'm just watching jeopardy until WATSON unmasks to reveal that it's actually been Sean Connery this entire time. #GotchaTrebek"


Background info: it might be the third greatest week of the year (right behind shark week and jeopardy college edition..)... JEOPARDY: MAN VS MACHINE!!! My man Ken Jennings goes up against Brad Rutter, and IBM's super computer: Watson... For the past four years, genius superhuman smart asses (like my man Ken Jennings) have been developing a "mega machine" to compete against the former reigning champions (Ken holds the record for the longest winning streak after winning 74 games in 2004, Brad is the biggest all time money winner on Jeopardy, set in 2000.) Anyways tonight was day two of this marvelous competition.. I'm afraid Ken isn't doing so hot (i mean, who would be if they were competing against a computer??) But there's still tomorrow (the last day of the competition!!) It shouldn't be too hard to make up the $30,934 that he's trailing by right? GO KEN GO! 

As for the standings at the end of day two, it looks like humans will soon be eaten alive by machinery after all...

Music is boss...

cool article about how music powerful and rules everything... kind of common sense but it's cool to read.. I'm stronger now that I listen to music... it's proven betchesss
check it: article

Musica comprimida  -  Compressed Music


Harry Baals... so immature. even better because a black guy is saying in on the news...




'nuff said. 


Rumors of apple inventing a mini iphone.. how koootttttt

iphone nano? ---> check it:

Monday, February 14, 2011


please donate 22 dollars to me so i can get this... thanks.


i posted this on facebook a week or so ago.. and it seems to be making it's rounds though friends... haha anyways..  BEHOLD:


possibly the world's greatest kitty ever. ever. ever. I WANT.

New Life Mission..

# 2147 to add to bucket list.. Sumo snow boarding.. f yes this is amazing..

SUMO SNOWBOARDING!! from Eero Ettala on Vimeo.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I forgot about this blog for a month or two... but I'm helping Andrea (because she prefers Andrea over Andi.. obvs) with matematicas... more like just distracting her on my computer as she ROCKS it... wooOoooOh! I'm gonna start blogging fun stuff for all of my loyal followers (ha jk i have no followers i'm not planning on telling anyone about this homo blog... hehehehe HAHHAAH <-- evil laugh muah hahah

now should i do music or random youtube and shizz... hmmmm...